OK, Muhajabah has been on top of the Yee case. I can’t compete. First, Yee is charged with adultery and downloading pornography, not espionage, the reason for which he was originally arrested. Then, the prosecution discovers the legal staff at Gitmo is releasing classified information to anyone who asks. Now it seems that the papers that Yee had, which were supposed to be classified, may in fact not have been classified. Curiouser and curiouser.
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Personal Aside
Where has islamoyankee gone? Well the short answer is that my father passed away a month ago – and while not totally unexpected – it has been a busy and crazy time. Today I blog again for three reasons: It’s been a month Tonight, I observe Laylat ul-Qadr (more on that in another post) Today is Blog Quake Day (more in another post) I’m back, and hopefully the rest of will be as well.
You Should be reading
Talk Islam and Muslimah Media Watch. Both are group blogs and both do a bang-up job of covering some of the more neglected issues relating to Muslims in the MSM. (I cross-post at TI.) TI’s posts tend to be shorter, but the discussions are really where the juice of the site is. You really see the diversity of the community in play. MMW deals with issues relating to women, and they have some great analytic minds at work. Next revision of islamicate will have their feeds on display.
Here’s the Outrage
I’m wondering where the outrage is, and finally I see that Muslims are offended by the desecration of holy sites by other Muslims, if not by Muslim-on-Muslim violence. I’m glad to see the Shi’ah of Najaf are rising up against those who would take their (Najafi) Islam and use it for their own (non-Najafi) purposes. Imam Ali (PBUH) was the son-in-law and cousin of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He is regarded by the Shi’ah as being the heir to both temporal and spiritual authority of the Islamic community. He was martyred because he tried to peacefully end the first civil war…
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Yeeeahd, it’s csool