
Yee! I submit

OK, Muhajabah has been on top of the Yee case. I can’t compete. First, Yee is charged with adultery and downloading pornography, not espionage, the reason for which he was originally arrested. Then, the prosecution discovers the legal staff at Gitmo is releasing classified information to anyone who asks. Now it seems that the papers that Yee had, which were supposed to be classified, may in fact not have been classified. Curiouser and curiouser.

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Thanks to the unmedia, I found a new ‘blog called “Muslims Under Progress.” I like what I’ve seen so far, and look forward to reading more of their posts. (Caveat: The site doesn’t seem to render properly on all browsers. a Gecko based one – Mozilla, Camino, Firebird, etc. should do the trick.) The first post I read was by Haroon Moghul, called “Choice and Comprehension.” I’ve talked about one of Haroon’s pieces before, and I want to begin by assuring him it’s nothing personal, I just really like his stuff and it gets me thinking. So now some of…

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