Inter-faith Weblogs

The Joy and Worries of Parenthood

Two of my friends, Rachel the Velveteen Rabbi and Ayesha, Ms. Rickshaw, are both pregnant. They are both blogging about their experiences, and both posted the linked articles very close to one another. I tend not to get too personal on this space, but both pieces brought out powerful memories of when my wife was pregnant. As cliche as the practice hospital run is, we never did it in NY. We had the “go” bag, but we just needed to hop in a taxi. The only limit we had was that my wife could not go into labor during rush…

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The Dove is Dead

Leila Abu-Saba of Dove’s Eye View has returned to her Maker. inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. We come from God and we return to God. Leila was true friend of islamicate. She was one of our earliest commenters, was always available for a good email chat, and was deeply committed to seeing peace become a reality. I pray for her and her family. (first heard from Marc Lynch of Abu Aardvark)

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