
American Muslim Students React to Osama bin Laden’s Death

ABC News on Campus reporter Reshma Kirpalani blogs: via blogs.abcnews.com Hussein Rashid, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, recognizes this sentiment of bin Laden as a larger than life threat among Muslim-American youth — similar to his generation’s experience during the Cold War. “We’re now getting a group of young adults whose first conscious memory was formed by Osama bin Laden. Their biggest enemy has always been Al Qaeda and bin Laden,” Rashid said.

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Wajahat Ali, Superstar Playwright and Author, Here in New York City

Join Wajahat Ali and artists, musicians, and performers from the New York City Metropolitan Area in celebrating the publication of “THE DOMESTIC CRUSADERS”, the landmark play about American Muslims which received standing ovations at its sold out performance at the Atlas Theater and the Kennedy Center. This culture show/art celebration/party/talent show also features live performances, spoken work, music, poetry and more: via avari.typepad.com

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The Power of Storytelling

I do have a multihyphenated experience and identity. I think that makes me an American. It’s not mutually exclusive to be Muslim, Pakistani, and American. Sometimes that very simple message gets lost when fearmongering is stoked by individuals with selfish agendas. via www.americanprogress.org My boy Wajahat Ali give a great interview with the Center for American Progress on the Power of Storytelling

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This August 15th, Make Your Iftar Fight Domestic Violence

For women and children affected by domestic violence, sometimes Turning Point is their only resource. For years, we have offered services to the most vulnerable members of our community, providing counseling, guidance, and empowerment. This Ramadan, come to our Annual Fundraising Dinner to show your support for ending domestic violence and bringing hope to its victims.A delicious iftar (fast-breaking) dinner will be followed by a comedy show by Palestinian comic Maysoon, and a wonderful live performance by The Starts Youth Dabka Group. via avari.typepad.com

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Political Correctness Gone Mad

Perhaps the recent terrorist outrage in the skies will bring the delusional opponents of group profiling to their senses. But I fear not. It should be a cut and dried case. A member of a group that is notoriously associated with terrorist violence and fundamentalist political beliefs tries to set off a bomb in a plane and only fails because of sheer luck. The nabobs of political correctness will try to convince us yet again that there are many strains of thought among these people, that most of them are non-violent, that compulsory cavity searches will alienate them and so…

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