
Mercy for Schiavo?

I am really torn about this very sad Schiavo affair. As we get more and more advanced in medical technologies – these questions will keep up coming.  Is there an "Islamic" reponse to this episode?  Should there be an "Isalmic" response?  What do the people say?

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In the beginning…

I wanted to add a comment to SAM I AM’s post on Amana or trust, but then my comment expanded, so I thought I would make a post out of it instead. SAM I AM formulates a simple and beautiful message: “We are trustees of God’s creation, and we should seek to leave the world a better place than it was when we came into it.” In his formulation, he stated something that caught my attention: “Intellect makes Man unique and exalted from amongst creation”. This places incredible responsibility on Man to act as stewards for God’s creation. At the…

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Have Muslims stopped looking for the ayats of Allah?

Holy Quran 24:46: “We have indeed sent down signs that make things manifest: and God guides whom He wills to a way that is straight – Laqad anzalna ayatin mubayyinatin waAllahu yahdee man yashao ila siratin mustaqeemin” I have always wondered when and why Muslims stopped searching for the ayats of Allah. I know, I know, many turn to the Holy Quran as the ultimate sign of Allah. But in focussing exclusively on the “Book” and ignoring the rest of the world – I wonder if we have truly ignored the God’s calling to seek out his signs. This depressing…

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