Support democracy, not dictators – 02/05/2011 |

Support democracy, not dictators – 02/05/2011 |

For decades we have allied ourselves with autocrats in the Middle East and looked the other way as they crack down on political expression, free speech and human rights out of fear of the unknown and the desire for stability in the region. We support these regimes because of the uncertainty of who may come into power if we press for democracy. But, we need to question whether this is good long-term policy. 

If the objective has been regional stability, we have not succeeded. Recent events across the region show that the predictability our policies strive for could be lost at any moment. 

Also, if we continue to maintain a foreign policy not based on our principles, what happens when a regime is toppled and the incoming powers look to the United States as being responsible for their oppression? We need to change our approach even if it means achieving our policy goals will take longer than we anticipate.