
Islamic Studies Center | Events: Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class

Islamic Studies Center | Events: Making the US: Muslims, Race, and Class. Historically, the United States has defined itself in opposition to groups and ideas, from monarchies to poor people. The 2020 election has strong historical echoes with how the country defined itself at its founding, against Muslims and against Blackness. This talk will trace those echoes, and explore how Muslims are not immune to the racial dynamics of the country.

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Muslims in the Movies — Kristian Petersen | Harvard University Press

Muslims in the Movies — Kristian Petersen | Harvard University Press. Muslims in the Movies provides a series of essays that explore the portrayal and reception of Muslims in Euro-American film, transnational productions, and global national cinemas. The volume brings together a group of internationally recognized experts to introduce Muslims in the films of Europe, North America, Australia, Iran, Egypt, North Africa, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The interdisciplinary collection explores issues of identity, cultural production, and representation through the depiction of Muslims on screen and how audiences respond to these images. Together, the essays operate as…

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Media Appearances

As Ismailis, We Should all Care about Climate Change. | IsmailisRiseUp

As Ismailis, We Should all Care about Climate Change. | IsmailisRiseUp. Our generation is faced with a daunting task: stop climate change. But how? Dr. Rashid, who has witnessed his home city of New York transition from a sub-temperate to a sub-tropical climate in his lifetime, explains that it is more than just individual responsibility. There are individual choices that we can make but ultimately when a handful of corporations are responsible for over 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions, it is hard to place responsibility on individuals. That does not mean, however, that we as individuals do not have…

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Media Appearances

Ms. Marvel’s America: Looking toward a superhero in challenging times | Goshen College

Ms. Marvel’s America: Looking toward a superhero in challenging times | Goshen College. “Superheroes, of course, can’t swoop in and save us in times of crisis. But they can demonstrate ways for us to help each other with the tools we do have at hand,” says Goshen College Professor of English Jessica Baldanzi.  A new book edited by Baldanzi and Hussein Rashid, a religious studies scholar, professor and interfaith activist, aims to combat the notion of a “stereotypical” superhero. “Ms. Marvel’s America: No Normal” features essays about being Muslim and female in the Marvel Universe.

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Inter-faith Intra-faith Religion

Tweeting the Qur’an #Quran #Ramadan #ttQuran 2020/1441

Traditionally, Muslims read the Qur'an in its entirety during Ramadan, in a section a day. The Qur'an is split into thirty sections, called juz', and one section is read each night.  This year is the 12th year I am inviting people to tweet the Qur’an for Ramadan. I will be tweeting @islamoyankee. Starting in 2019, I expanded the invite and encourage people share commentaries and art work. I am excited by the commentaries offered over at Sapelo Square, and I encourage you to check them out for yourselves. I'll also be tweeting commentaries from the Prophet's beloved family. In addition, you…

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Spoleto’s Exploring Omar discussion series is a free companion to this year’s new opera | Spoleto Buzz

Spoleto’s Exploring Omar discussion series is a free companion to this year’s new opera | Spoleto Buzz. On Thurs. March 12 head to the Main Library at 6 p.m. for: Islam and Enslaved Africans in Early Charleston. Brenda Tindal of the International African American Museum moderates a discussion between Charleston County Public Library’s historian Nic Butler and The New Schools’ professor Hussein Rashid. This year the city celebrates 350 years, which makes it an apt time to discuss all of the city’s history, including the influences of enslaved Africans on the introduction of Islam to the Lowcountry.

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Do We Still Need Faith in the 21st Century? | The Greene Space

Do We Still Need Faith in the 21st Century? | The Greene Space. Belief without evidence, that’s faith. It’s the cornerstone of religion. For many, it is a centering force that’s essential for navigating life’s mysteries and challenges. But for others, ever-increasing access to information, science, advanced technology has meant a loss of faith, or at least a reckoning with what it means.

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