#GivingTuesday Chat with Dr. Hussein Rashid | Ismailimail.
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Action Alert: Pakistan Flood Relief
I wanted to bring your attention to a new initiative that we are launching to promote awareness and provide information on the Pakistan Floods – Pakistan: Flood Action NOW http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Pakistan-Flood-Action-NOW/111179318935127 P-FAN was created on August 14, 2010 by a group of concerned citizens just like you. P-FAN is our heartfelt response to the disastrous floods and related suffering in Pakistan. P-FAN members are all over the world and are of every race and creed. We are coming together to make a difference. We are dedicated to coordinating awareness, fund raising and supporting relief efforts in response to this humanitarian crisis…
Website connects donors to needy families – USATODAY.com
Website connects donors to needy families – USATODAY.com. With the wolf at the door, Robinson turned to an innovative new website business run by a Palo Alto, Calif., attorney and the son of civil rights pioneer Andrew Young. The site, GiveLocally.net, allows people who need emergency help getting food or paying the electric bill to tell their stories; donors read those stories and make donations targeted for specific individuals or families.
Queens, NY Action: Hindi/Bangla Translation Help Needed
Dear friends and colleagues, Hope you are enjoying your summer. I need your help recruiting volunteers for an historic event that Chhaya is putting together in York College on Saturday August 7th. It is a foreclosure prevention rescue fair where lenders and housing counselors will assist distressed homeowners with loan modification applications. As you know our target population is immigrants, particularly from South Asia, who have been significantly impacted in this crisis (our research shows that in some zip codes in Queens, as many as 50% default was among SA homeowners!) We expect as many as 500 homeowners to attend…