
The Convert | This American Life

The Convert | This American Life. In 2006, a new convert showed up at a mosque in Orange County, California, eager to study the Koran and make new friends. But when he started acting odd and saying strange things, those friends got suspicious. To them, he was Farouk al-Aziz. But his real name was Craig Monteilh, and he was working undercover for the FBI.

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‘Alif the Unseen,’ by G. Willow Wilson – NYTimes.com

‘Alif the Unseen,’ by G. Willow Wilson – NYTimes.com. In her 2010 memoir, “The Butterfly Mosque,” G. Willow Wilson told the story of her conversion to Islam, charting her transformation from child of atheist parents to Boston University-­educated undergraduate to faithful Muslim with an Egyptian husband and an apartment in Cairo. Wilson wrote of the contrast between East and West, and of feeling compelled to keep her religious beliefs secret. “In the West,” she observed, “anything that must be hidden is suspect; availability and honesty are interlinked. This clashes irreconcilably with Islam, . . . where the things that are…

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Ramadan in Murfreesboro, Tenn. – NYTimes.com

Ramadan in Murfreesboro, Tenn. – NYTimes.com. Id al-Fitr — the end of Ramadan’s monthlong fasting and sacrifice — has turned out to be an especially joyous holiday for the Islamic American community of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Hundreds of worshipers were finally able to occupy their new suburban mosque this month, prevailing in their constitutional right after a two-year assault of bigotry, persistent court challenges, arson and a bomb threat at the construction site.

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Anyone who now thinks Britain is too multicultural? – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – Commentators – The Independent

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Anyone who now thinks Britain is too multicultural? – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – Commentators – The Independent. On Friday evening, getting on to a tube in Victoria, I met a Somali family wearing so much Union Jack kit they looked like a mobile tourist stall. The mum had a red, blue and white band across her forehead under a tight, black head scarf; her sons carried flags and her daughter’s leggings were festooned with crowns, Big Bens, St Paul’s and colours of this nation.  They were coming back from a halal chicken restaurant after breaking an 18-hour fast for…

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THE DAILY STAR :: Culture :: Lifestyle :: American pens Quran against Islamophobia

Awesome! He’s not a Muslim, so there should be no problem with his figurative drawing. THE DAILY STAR :: Culture :: Lifestyle :: American pens Quran against Islamophobia. Everitte Barbee is a U.S. citizen who grew up in Nashville, Tennessee. He’s also a calligraphy artist. About a year and a half ago, the 24-year-old commenced work on a unique project: The Quran for Solidarity is, as far as Barbee is aware, the first Quran to be completely handwritten by a non-Muslim. He also believes it may be the first edition of the book entirely written in figurative calligraphy.

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A Muslim Community, Tarred Again | Racialicious – the intersection of race and pop culture

A Muslim Community, Tarred Again | Racialicious – the intersection of race and pop culture. But even as I rose through the ranks of Washington, DC, I continued to face constant scrutiny over my faith. When I interviewed at a human-rights organization, I was asked more than once if I am willing to condemn suicide bombing and if I am comfortable supporting gay marriage. I told the interviewer that no self-respecting human rights advocate supports suicide bombing and opposes gay marriage. The answer did not suffice. To get the job, I had to spell it out: I am against suicide…

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Imam Ali’s Supplication for the Holy Month of Sha’ban « Darvish

Imam Ali’s Supplication for the Holy Month of Sha’ban « Darvish. “Oh God! Enlighten my existence with the illumination of thou Sacred Essence whose cheerfulness and joy is far superior than any other pleasure, so that I become absorbed in Thee completely, getting cut off from others, fearing Thee and paying attention towards Thy commands. Oh Thou possessor of splendor and majesty and salutations of God and lots of greetings be upon Muhammad and his Holy Progeny”

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Spiritual Living Reviews, July 15, 2012 — Library Journal Reviews

Another great review for an anthology in which I have an essay. Buy early and buy often. Spiritual Living Reviews, July 15, 2012 — Library Journal Reviews. All-American: 45 American Men on Being Muslim. White Cloud. (I Speak for Myself). 2012. c.256p. ed. by Wajahat Ali & Zahra T. Suratwala. illus. ISBN 9781935952596. pap. $16.95. REL Too various for a simple description, this fascinating book brings together 45 brief testimonies from American men who are Muslim, men who run the full range of experience, identity, and persuasion—gay and straight, convert and birthright, immigrant and native, conservative and radical. These candid…

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Brian’s Coffeehouse: Tales of Ibn Saba

The book Brian is talking about sounds fascinating. His last paragraph is important for understanding the transformation that is taking place in Islamic studies regarding the place of Shi’ism. Brian’s Coffeehouse: Tales of Ibn Saba. Anthony’s book, together with Najam Haider’s work showing that there were distinct Shi’ite practices in Kufa in the early 700’s, makes 2011 an important year in the growth of our understanding of what the sectarian landscape was like in Islam’s first century, as well as how it was articulated and how it slowly evolved into the more established Sunni and Shi’i Islam of the 800’s. …

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Media Appearances

Ramadan 2012: A HuffPost Community Observation Of The Islamic Month Of Fasting (LIVEBLOG)

Ramadan 2012: A HuffPost Community Observation Of The Islamic Month Of Fasting (LIVEBLOG). HuffPost Religion community member Hussein Rashid is tweeting the Qur’an during Ramadan using the hashtag #ttQuran. This beautiful verse about the Virgin Mary shows some of the commonality between Christianity and Islam. You can follow Hussein on Twitter at @Islamoyankee

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