The Continued Politicization of the Trayvon Martin Case – National – The Atlantic Wire.
Bryant’s criticism of Sharpton and Jackson is about race as well: That in focusing on this particular case, and this one example of “white men killing black young men,” we’re ignoring black on black crime, which is the true epidemic, says Bryant, “The greatest danger to the lives of young black men are young black men.”
While this may be true, it’s also somewhat akin to blaming a vegetarian for using a leather handbag. Which is to say, as individuals, we should all stand up for what we believe in, and not, in standing up for one thing, be necessarily expected to take on whole-cloth other related issues or else be called hypocrites. To claim that outrage is not real or is wrong because it’s not a broader outrage about every issue is a political tactic in itself. In fact, Bryant, a conservative, is not sparing this opportunity to blast Obama for saying “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”