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A Story
During one of the conflicts of the early period of Islam, Hazrat Ali (PBUH) was on the battlefield engaged with his opponent. He had disarmed his opponent, the champion of the opposition, and was getting ready to slay him. His enemy spat upon him and Hazrat Ali sheathed his sword. His opponent asked why he did so. Hazrat Ali’s response was that “In battle, when two enemies are fighting for a cause,” in Imam Ali’s case Islam, “then the ideals of the of cause are worth dying for and have to be respected. When you spat on me, I became…
ReliOmid Safi – What Would Muhammad Do? | First words since…..burying a 16-year old angel
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun. (We are from God and we return to God.) I did not have the privilege of knowing Shaira, but I do know her mother. May God give them all peace during this difficult time. Ustad Omid, as always, finds power in the pen, when there is pain in the heart. Omid Safi – What Would Muhammad Do? | First words since…..burying a 16-year old angel. So I sit here today, with the first words I have written since. First words since trusting this child of God to God’s earth, and hoping and praying to…
The world was created by magic
I was intrigued by this article in CNN on the Kansas Board of Education. It seems that the faulty logic that ID people are trying to put forward actually puts them at a disadvantage in terms of curriculum design. If their wording goes through, it should be fine to suggest that a grand wizard (not the KKK kind, but the Gandalf kind) brought the world into existence. We are, in fact, nothing more than a magic school exercise. Or, how about that life on Earth is not unique, but we were seeded here by aliens to see how we would…