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Muslim minority [edit]
Now that Gov. Howard Dean is no longer actively seeking the presidential nomination, I feel freer to post about him. The Boston Globe ran an op-ed analyzing his thoughts about race. Please take a moment and read it; however, every time you see “black” or “African-American,” insert “Muslim” and every time you see “white,” insert “Christian.” It’s a great analysis, and very true applicable, including the Clinton section, to the situation of Muslims in US. My one thought on it is, if he did have a Muslim room mate, and this individual became head of a Muslim group, would the…
Note from near Urumqi – #Uyghur
Following email was received from a friend. Edited to remove identifying information. Initial email received on July 7, 2009. people who live in xinjiang province feel panic, riot just happened there, they are afraid where and when the riot will happpened again, the matter is really seriou, at the beginning i also heard the news from TV news, then I called my family and friends, but all phone numbers are baring, and was told this number does not exist. I even can not contact anybody and get any news from xinjiang except CCTV news. some calls is not easy to…
Rabbi, please continue to teach
Rachel does it again. I’ve been sitting on this post for too long. The Islamic tradition, according to Qur’anic injunction (17:78-79), is for three times prayer, dawn, just before sunset and just after sunset. And of course, many Muslims have seen the little prayer books for the pre-anything prayers, including going to the bathroom. Recently found one for a dua to say before having sex. Who says we’re a repressed people? Rachel’s post, and the obvious similarities to Muslim traditions, got me thinking about the meaning of ritual. The idea of using a symbolic language, in this instance ritual, is…