
Bursting My Daughter’s Belief Bubble | Muslimah Next Door

Dilshad’s writing is just painfully beautiful in this piece. The (unexpected) struggles we all have can so easily shake our faith. Bursting My Daughter’s Belief Bubble | Muslimah Next Door. Part of me never wants her to give up on her beliefs for what she hopes and prays for herself, for her brother, for her family. I don’t want her to be like me – praying, but always struggling to buttress that prayer with belief. But another part of me wants her understand the reality of our life.

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NYPD’s Religious Profiling – Ta-Nehisi Coates – National – The Atlantic

NYPD’s Religious Profiling – Ta-Nehisi Coates – National – The Atlantic. This where you see the really long-term effects of terrorism. It’s not simply the number of people you murder, it’s how the smallest can alter the character of a country. Some incompetent asshole straps a bomb to his underwear, and now we have to get full body scans. The free exchange of ideas is one of democracy’s greatest benefits. Universities, ostensibly, are supposed to showcase that more than anywhere else. But for want of conjured evil, we’re willing to part with that asset.

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