The Muppets on Fox News
Been a long time since I’ve agreed so unconditionally with anyone as I do with Miss Piggy in this clip.
islam doesn't speak, muslims do | "the ink of the scholar is worth more than the blood of the martyr" – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Been a long time since I’ve agreed so unconditionally with anyone as I do with Miss Piggy in this clip.
Linda does a really nice job laying out what’s been happening with respect to the NYPD and the American Muslim community in NYC. I hope to add some of my thoughts later. Hijabi Revolution: NYPD and the Muslim American Community in NYC. I am sure you are all following the controversy around the NYPD’s use of a hateful, anti-Muslim film, The Third Jihad, to train close to 1500 officers. As a member of the Muslim American community, and a member of the broad based coalition calling for the resignation of Raymond Kelly and Paul Browne, I would like to give…
Mercury News editorial: Silicon Valley Reads courageously tackles prejudice against Muslims – San Jose Mercury News. Everyone in this multicultural valley would get something out of this year’s works by American Muslim women: “The Butterfly Mosque,” a lyrical memoir by G. Willow Wilson, and “The Muslim Next Door: The Qur’an, the Media, and That Veil Thing,” by native Californian Sumbul Ali-Karamali. Even if you don’t read them, come to a discussion.
Wait, there’s actual evidence of what American Muslims think about shariah? But what will we do with the Islamophobia industry who thinks they know everything about everything? ISPU Report “Shari’a Law: Coming to a Courthouse Near You?: What Shari’a Really Means to American Muslims” by Julie Macfarlane. This is the first empirical study to ask North American Muslims what shari’a means to them in their everyday lives. The study demonstrates that the present “moral panic” over shari’a and its alleged impact on American legal and social culture is wildly overblown. Based on the study, for most American Muslims shari’a represents…
A fairly, good common sense article on the integration conundrum many European nations are facing. My only gripe, the intimation that it’s only Muslim youth who rebel against excessive policing and securitization of their communities. How to Integrate Europe’s Muslims – only by strengthening the democratic rights of Muslim citizens to form associations, join political parties and engage in other aspects of civic life can Europe integrate immigrants and give full meaning to the abstract promise of religious liberty.
Reason #997 I love this city. This sort of space sharing is more common than I think people realize. A Struggling Bronx Synagogue Finds Free Housing—in a Mosque – Tablet Magazine. Near the corner of Westchester Avenue and Pugsley Street in Parkchester, just off the elevated tracks of the No. 6 train, Yaakov Wayne Baumann stood outside a graffiti-covered storefront on a chilly Saturday morning. Suited up in a black overcoat with a matching wide-brimmed black fedora, the thickly bearded 42-year-old chatted with elderly congregants as they entered the building for Shabbat service. The only unusual detail: This synagogue is…
The Jew Who Helps Run an Important Arab-American Organization in Brooklyn – Tablet Magazine. Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, home to an estimated 35,000 Arabs, is the largest Arab-American community outside of Michigan and California. That number is an estimate because no one in government has been able to count. “The community doesn’t like to fill out forms, and for good reason,” a staffer at the Arab-American Association of New York, in Bay Ridge, told me, referring to the recent revelation that the NYPD targeted Muslims for surveillance. Over the next two months, however, the Arabs of Bay Ridge will submit to…
Great story. Unbelievable photos. Bharat Choudary’s Photos of Young Muslims – Bharat Choudhary has seen the power of religious hatred up close. After the 2002 sectarian riots in Gujarat State, India, Mr. Choudhary counseled victims who had been paralyzed or raped during the violence. His clients were Muslims. Mr. Choudhary is Hindu. “My job was to talk with them, to counsel them and try to convince them that everything was going to be fine, even though I knew that nothing was going to be fine with their life anymore,” he said. “That always stayed with me.” He was painfully…