Quoted on NYPD Spying

My original piece at Religion Dispatches: Muslim Boycott of Bloomberg’s Interfaith Breakfast | Religion Dispatches

‘I AM NOT A TERRORIST’ shirt at Bloomberg event (via @capitalnewyork) – YouTube

Muslims Skip NYC Mayor’s Event to Protest Spying – ABC News

Bloomberg Avoids Surveillance Controversy at Interfaith Event – WNYC

At Mayor’s Interfaith Breakfast, Some Muslim No-Shows – NYTimes.com

Interfaith Breakfast Boycott Protests NYPD’s Alleged Surveillance Of Local Muslims – NY1.com

‘I’m not a terrorist’: One man quietly protests NYPD at Bloomberg’s breakfast | Capital New York

Kelly on his department’s relationship with Muslims; a Muslim professor on his protest T-shirt | Capital New York

Muslims Skip NYC Mayor’s Event To Protest Spying – From the Wires – Salon.com

Espionnage à New York : des musulmans boycottent un déjeuner avec le maire | International | Radio-Canada.ca

AFP: Muslims boycott NY mayor event over alleged spying

Muslim Academic Wears “I’m Not A Terrorist” To Bloomberg’s Interfaith Breakfast: Gothamist

Interfaith Breakfast: Controversy with Your Coffee?