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NYC Event: Ibn Arabi and Rumi: Teachings for the Modern World: A Conference
Ibn Arabi and Rumi: Teachings for the Modern World: A Conference. In 2009, The Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society and the New York Open Center began the first of a series of conferences together on the great mystic Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi. We now present the second conference in this series, this one focusing on the relationship of Ibn 'Arabi's teachings to those of Jalaluddin Rumi, the other giant of Sufi mysticism.
MLT – Muslims and the Media
Amazing panel. Lots of interesting people, including NPR and Newsweek representatives. Short, pointed comments. Nothing too new, but well done. Chris Dickey Newsweek in the US history is a put down (you’re history), whereas in the rest of the world it is very much alive occupation has no meaning for Americans, never been occupied, don’t see themselves as occupiers Deborah NPR don’t have to worry about images Q: what are the equivalents to the angry Muslim? A: the adhaan Iraq was first time to talk about Sunni and Shi’ah Mustafa Australia French riots related to Cronulla riots…
ACLU Event: Face to Face: Confronting the Torturers #torture
This week, the ACLU will be co-hosting an event at the annual PEN World Voices Festival. “Face to Face: Confronting the Torturers” will take place on Thursday April 29 at 9:30 p.m. at Joe’s Pub in Manhattan. The program will include dramatic readings meant to provoke reflection on what it means to “confront” torturers, both figuratively and literally (more information below). Tickets can be purchased online here or at the door.