
David Campbell and Robert Putnam: Islam and American Tolerance –

David Campbell and Robert Putnam: Islam and American Tolerance – Consider the experience of two groups that are perceived positively by Americans today: Jews and Catholics. Americans rate Jews and Catholics more warmly than they do mainline Protestants, historically America’s religious establishment, and evangelical Protestants, the single largest religious group in the country. At the end of the scale opposite Jews and Catholics are Muslims, Mormons and Buddhists.

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Current Affairs

Isaac Osei, Taxi Driver in New York and Chief in Ghana –

Just a great NYC story. Isaac Osei, Taxi Driver in New York and Chief in Ghana – By 7:30, Ms. Osei had taken her place in her thronelike office chair — she is the president of Napasei Taxi Management Corporation, after all — while Mr. Osei, who is vice president, took a more modest seat nearby. Then they prepared for the next 12 hours of fighting parking tickets, getting taxis inspected and helping drivers who came in to pick up their cash.  But the Oseis call this grueling schedule a vacation compared with the real holiday they have ahead.…

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BBC – The Mourides of Senegal

BBC – BBC World Service Programmes – Heart And Soul, The Mourides of Senegal. Many of the African street sellers in cities like Paris or Rome are Mourides – members of a Senegalese Muslim brotherhood. It is a very organised and supportive movement that stresses the importance of work and wields great political and economic power in Senegal.

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