Current Affairs

Shariah at the Kumback Café –

Shariah at the Kumback Café – Shariah is the new hot-button wedge issue, as radicalizing as abortion or gay marriage, seized on by Republicans to mobilize conservative Americans against the supposed “stealth jihad” of Muslims in the United States and against a Democratic president portrayed as oblivious to — or complicit with — the threat. Not since 9/11 has Islamophobia been at such a pitch in the United States.

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Islamic Innovation Celebrated in Queens Exhibition –

Islamic Innovation Celebrated in Queens Exhibition – There lies the heart of the problem. An awfully long time has passed since anyone thought of the Muslim world in general, let alone the Arab world in particular, as an incubator of great ideas in science or technology. Not to be flippant, but radicals’ devising ways to equip suicide bombers doesn’t cut it.  The fact, however, is that some of history’s finest scientists and scholars once emerged from predominantly Muslim societies, extending from Spain to China across a long stretch of time that began in the seventh century.

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