Faiths Act Fellowship Application | The Tony Blair Faith Foundation

The deadline is in December, so do apply early. It’s a great opportunity. I have met with, and seen the work of some of the fellows. Please help spread the word.

Faiths Act Fellowship Application | The Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

The Faiths Act Fellowship is a year-long, paid international Fellowship that brings together exceptional future leaders inspired by faith to serve as interfaith ambassadors for the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 

Faiths Act Fellows build partnerships across faith lines in their home countries to show the world how faith can be a positive global force in the 21st century. Faiths Act Fellows work in local NGOs to mobilize communities to take part in MDG-focused, multi-faith action. Fellows receive a stipend and health benefits throughout the Fellowship year. 

The Faiths Act Fellowship is a program of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation in collaboration with Interfaith Youth Core.