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MLT – Construct Your Identity
Introductory exercise Purpose of exercise work together to understand a given problem to derive an actionable conclusion that translates into a solution Method Access Process Solution Activity rubbish Panel Riem identity is problematic, because we all have identities Baber complex issue that is conditioned by where we live Leyla identity is simple, we are human. we make it complicated Ilhamallah Italian convert. No issues of identity. Soumicha Lots of criticism from the panelists and the participants about the framing of this question and its relevance Technorati Tags: MLT
MLT Schedule
Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow Schedule: Friday, 7 July 2006 Group Introduction [some very cool and exciting people here, and hopefully a site will go up with the list of attendees.] Saturday, 8 July 2006 Special address by Susanne Clausen, Ministry of Integration of Denmark A New Cordoba Discuss the Unthinkable Talent Bazaar Knowledge Transfer Extremism and New Media The Artists Role Imam’s Circle Sunday, 9 July 2006 Pluralism in Islam Construct Your Identity Media and Islam Integration in the West Monday, 10 July 2006 [I won’t be blogging any of this as they booked my flight to leave before the…
When Religion and Social Justice can go Wrong
The Revealer on how Hamas is a faith-based initiative. Do people really not see Bush’s plan as being flawed Constitutionally, and in terms of building an American ideal, where everyone is thankful to America, not to the group around the corner?