Inter-faith Politics

Media fuels Hatred of Muslims

via Talk Islam, I found this article: A rise in the number of hate crimes against Muslims in London is being encouraged by mainstream politicians and sections of the media, a study written by a former Scotland Yard counter-terrorism officer, published yesterday, says. Attacks ranging from death threats and murder to persistent low-level assaults, such as spitting and name-calling, are in part whipped up by extremists and sections of mainstream society, the study says.

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Current Affairs

‘My daughter’s on the no-fly list’ wr…

‘My daughter’s on the no-fly list’ writes Chris Kelly. She’s 12 years old. So I should hate the No Fly List. Besides the personal inconvenience, it runs counter to a solid third of the Bill of Rights. But I’m conflicted. Because I have a pretty good idea why my daughter’s on the list. It’s because she has the same name as this guy: In 1993 this IRA thug walked into a fish shop in Belfast with a bomb that went off prematurely (of course) injuring 57 people, including a 79-year-old woman and two two-year-old boys. It also killed ten people,…

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Letter from America – Givin’ It to the Man, Islamic Style –

Letter from America – Givin’ It to the Man, Islamic Style – No doubt for many — probably most — Americans, Islam is associated these days at the very least with ultraconservative social mores — the lesser status of women, for example — not to mention the practices of the radical extreme — the cult of death, suicide bombings, acid thrown in the faces of girls going to school. So how about Muslims who embrace feminism, play in punk rock bands, and castigate orthodox, official Saudi Arabian-supported Islam as “Islamofascism?” Yes, it starts with some clichés, but we will…

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Current Affairs

The Achievements of al Qaeda: Muslim World, Take Note

A suicide bomber some years back attacked a hotel in Amman, Jordan, killing among others Moustapha Akkad, producer of The Message — one of the noblest attempts to convey Islam as a faith of good and to elevate and publicize the reputation and character of Muhammad, peace be upon him. Yeah, that’s right: al-Qaeda killed Akkad. His daughter was also martyred during that attack. What has Umar Farouk my-last-name-is-haram Abdul-Muttallab accomplished or advanced? [From The Achievements of al Qaeda: Muslim World, Take Note]

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