Plug: America’s Next Great Pundit Round 2

My friend Zeba Khan is through the first round of voting, and round two is open for voting. Her email is below. Please support her again.

Hello Everyone,

Thanks to your help last week, I moved on to Round Two in the Washington Post’s “America’s Next Great Pundit” Competition. This week the five remaining contestants had to blog. My aim was to put out quality over quantity and I hope I achieved that.

Here are a couple links to pieces I wrote:

Now, I am writing again to shamelessly ask for your vote. Voting is happening now until Sunday, Nov. 15 at 3 pm EST. As last week’s voting tally shows, the difference between who moves on and who doesn’t can be a matter of just a few votes, so each vote is extremely important.

It’ll take you all of 2 seconds to vote:

And also, if you feel so inclined, I would deeply appreciate it if you spread the word to your networks, on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Thank you again for your support,
