The ACLU is hosting a major event on Oct. 13, 2009, where famous individuals will read excerpts from torture reports to make it more human. Check it out.
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Onward Christian Soldiers [update]
From TPM. If you haven’t heard, Donald Rumsfeld was using Bible quotations to justify what was going on in Iraq. No doubt, the big story starting off the week. In GQ, Robert Draper does a first look back at Don Rumsfeld’s tenure at the DOD, with a focus on internal briefing documents which wrapped the day’s military events out of Iraq with smoteful biblical quotations about the righteous conquering the wicked and the infidel. Here’s the slideshow. [From Onward Christian Soldiers] Dan Varisco from Tabsir shares his thoughts as well: The Bible is a big book with plenty of quotations…
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