Film Media

Interview with producers of #FlyingWhileMuslim

From Neem Magazine. Below is the list of interviewees: Anthony Shadid – Pulitzer Prize Awardee and Washington Post Journalist; Amy Goodman – Democracy Now! Host; Brigitte Gabriel – Author, “Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America” and American Congress for Truth Founder; Robert Spencer – Jihad Watch Director; Arwa and Sumia Ibrahim – Profiled at JFK; Raed Jarrar – Profiled at JFK and won a court case against Jet Blue; Talat Hamdani – Mother of Mohammed Salman Hamdani; Robert Steele – Former CIA Agent; Reginald Shuford – ACLU, Senior Legal Officer; Dalia Hashad – Amnesty International, Director…

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Current Affairs Music

More on our #torture policies

If you haven’t already seen it, read this article in Harper’s entitled “We Still Torture.” Then go listen to “Blackout Beach” by the Kominas. Now we have entered what we may wish to call the post-torture era, except that it is not. Indeed, we cannot even revert to the easy hypocrisy of the Cold War. We have returned to our traditional practice of torturing and pretending not to, but the old routine is no longer convincing. We know too much. We know that we are still imprisoning men who very likely are completely innocent. We know that we still beat…

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A Pakistani Writes About Philanthropy

This article in the International News is a good response to two articles in the New York Times, one by Nick Kristof, and one by Tom Friedman. Implicit in the article are two points: there is a difference between giving someone fish (charity) and teaching him to fish (development), and it’s not the white man’s burden anymore.

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