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Ribbons of Hope: Corpus Christi Photo Galleries | @prepareny
So proud to be part of this endeavor with PrepareNY. Ribbons of Hope : Corpus Christi Photo Galleries : Corpus Christi Caller-Times: Local Corpus Christi, Texas News Delivered Throughout the Day.. The ribbons contain a personal massage from the students and will be mailed to New York City to be place in the Tapestries of Hope in Battery Park for the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11.
Geert Wilder Hypocrite
We are surprised because …? Do we really expect ideologues and/or provocateurs (not artistes) to be anything other than intellectually inconsistent, self-aggrandizing blowhards? Money quote from the article: The lawsuit against Mr. Wilders has been hailed in the Netherlands as a good thing for democracy. I am not so sure. It makes him look more important than he should be. In fact, the response of Dutch Muslims to his film last year was exemplary: most said nothing at all. And when a small Dutch Muslim TV station offered to broadcast the film, after all other stations had refused, the grand…
Getting the Motives Right – Foreign Policy Association
My first piece for the Foreign Policy Association blog. The recent attack against Ismaili Muslims in Karachi, Pakistan, will be read by most as part of a simple narrative of an ongoing Sunni-Shi’ah conflict. Unfortunately, as consistent fear-mongering has demonstrated with Sharia, bandying about non-English words conveys a facade of knowledge without any guarantee of any actual understanding. As is the case with most political violence, here is more to this attack than a simple retelling of a religious clash. There is a deeper history that is masked by using inappropriate vocabulary, and misusing it is allowing the most extreme…