US State Dept. is expanding digital presence.
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Tangent: Macs, Sci-Fi, a Beautiful Eulogy
Once, I say, I am a huge fan of Apple Computers and the Mac OS. I’m also a Sci-Fi guy; not über-geek, but a fan. So I’m also really looking forward to the release of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It’s no secret that Douglas Adams was a fan of the Mac as well. One of Adams’ friends has written a beautiful piece about Adams. You should read it. It not only brings together some of my interests, but it’s a good piece of writing.
Thanks to GBrown
Someone with the tag “GBrown” at Gawker is giving us some love. Don’t feel like creating an account there to give a shout, so I’ll do it here. Feel free to holla on islamoyankee at islamicate dot com.
Another Muslim Mac-head
Asma shares the faith. Love the cowgirl. Find out how Macs and Islam are related.