
Mr. Moo Publishes a Manifesto

A mighty manifesto it is. Woe to those who disagree. Woe to those who agree. Woe to anyone. Woe is me. Woah is what you tell a horse. “Woh” is “that” in Hindi and Urdu. Whoah is an exclamation of surprise or pleasure. But I digress, and that is un-Islamic. So says the talking Manifesto. It is far better to regress. [Like the manifesto, this is humor.]

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Technological shift at the White House

WaPo does a piece on the technological transition happening at the White House. In addition to the usual transition headaches regarding phones, emails, etc., apparently the WH is not equipped, legally, to allow the Web 2.0 operation to continue. Be interesting to see how this plays out, especially if we are to get a new iPhone app (please). Favorite line: “The team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software.” At least their Windows was state-of-the-art. (sorry couldn’t resist)

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Current Affairs Media

Geert Wilders and Free Speech

Aziz beat me to it. Geert Wilders was arrested for attacking Islam. Dumb idea. As Aziz says “the best answer to bad speech is more speech.” The best thing to happen now is that a group of Dutch Muslims comes forward to his defense. Islam is bigger than one person, whether OBL or Geert Wilders. It can take care of itself. It’s Muslims who need to care of ourselves, and that doesn’t mean supporting dumb ideas.

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