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SXSW 2007 – Blogging Where Speech Isn’t Free [updated]
Really good panel with: Jon Lebkowsky Partner, Polycot Consulting LLC Shahed Amanullah Founder, Halalfire Media LLC Robert Faris Harvard Law School – Berkman Center Shava Nerad Exec Dir, The Tor Project Ethan Zuckerman Co-Founder, Global Voices Jasmina Tesanovic Blog B92 Good links snagged from panel: Sept. 11 info. (supplied by Shava at our panel yesterday) Global Voices Diary of a Political Idiot Tor Freedom House OpenNet Great to finally meet both Shahed and Ethan. Went to lunch with the two of them, Rob, Rachel, and John Bracken. Great conversation about the hip-hop, internets, national security, and garlic noodles. Any meal…
PFBC – Beginnings
The Progressive Faith Blog Con started last night, and what a good beginning it was. Thurman Hart of Xpatriated Texan gave us some powerful opening remarks. Go read. We began with a Jewish prayer service, led by the Velveteen Rabbi herself, Rachel Barenblat. It was pleasure to finally get to meet her. The service was full of taqwa – God consciousness. It was not just about the prayer, but about praying to remember God outside of the liturgical setting, to know that God is, and always should be, with us. Download and read her prayer book. We sat down for…
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