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FBI Sets-up Terror Attack
and then arrests the people they supported. This piece in the WaPo offers some insight as to what happened with case of the Miami Moors (also the Seas of David). I know this hasn’t gone to trial, so I can’t say whether it was entrapment or not. These guys were apparently up to no good, but a bunch of hoodlums don’t make a terrorist cell. It’s just following a pattern of behavior from this administration that seems to take the threat of terrorism as a tool to increase control over the population. It makes us less as people (like our…
For Muslim politicians, running for office is the American way – CNN.com
For Muslim politicians, running for office is the American way – CNN.com. Across the country, dozens of Muslims have actively engaged in the American political process, running for — and winning — elected offices. From a mayor in New Jersey; to state representatives in North Carolina, New Hampshire, Iowa, Maryland and Missouri; to congressmen in Minnesota and Indiana, American politicians from the Muslim faith are increasingly in political positions.
DHS don’t like them Swarthies
This article is almost a year old, so it’s part of the old pattern. My suspicion is that some agent just finished watching True Romance and was thinking about the Sicilian scene. Key lines for those who don’t know: So you see, way back then, uh, Sicilians were like, uh, wops from Northern Italy. Ah, they all had blonde hair and blue eyes, but, uh, well, then the Moors moved in there, and uh, well, they changed the whole country. They did so much fuckin’ with Sicilian women, huh? That they changed the whole bloodline forever. That’s why blonde hair…