
More on Dehumanizing Muslims

The Independent is reporting a game called “Muslim Massacre” gets you credit for killing Muslims. I shared the story of the Dayton mosque bombing with an adult education class last night and talked about how it had become acceptable to commit acts of violence against Muslims as witnessed by the fact that none of the major paper reported it. One woman asked me if it was a big bomb or a little bomb, because little bombs don’t deserve news coverage. My thought was that shouldn’t children being attacked be worthy of news, rather than a bomb? Fortunately, she was kind…

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The Sad State of Jerusalem

The New York Times has an article about the tension in Jerusalem over the coincidence of the holidays of Eid and Rosh Hoshanna. It is a sad state of affairs that what we celebrate here exacerbates tensions there. The article quotes the poet Yehuda Amichai who says: The air over Jerusalem is saturated with prayers and dreams like the air over industrial cities. Now it seems like the toxic air of industrial cities with prayers of anger and ignorance. God help us all. The Globe and Mail has a more Muslim-centric perspective.

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