
GOP Supports Child Predators

I don’t know what else to say. So the Republicans have someone in the House chasing young boys. They cover-up. You think bad mistake, learn your lesson. Now it seems that John McCain doesn’t believe children should be taught to protect themselves or report predators. This means John McCain supports predators, doesn’t it? And to make it even better, Sarah Palin fired people who aggressively went after child molesters. So, either the GOP didn’t learn their lesson, or they support child molesters. Are they really trying to court soccer moms with the mantra “no child molester should be punished?” Election…

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Prompting a Tele

It seems that Barack Obama is using a teleprompter. Apparently this is bad because it means he is stooping to GOP levels of having everything scripted for him. You see before, he spoke from conviction and didn’t need to have anything pre-written. At least, I think that’s why it’s bad. I can’t imagine why it would newsworthy otherwise. But Sarah Palin, she swears she doesn’t need a working teleprompter because she know everything. Oh wait, sorry. Republican talking, just invert the story and you’ll get the truth. It’s just like Calvin and Hobbes. Election 2008, McCain, sara

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Inter-faith Intra-faith

Nobody likes Jews or Muslims [Updated]

Isn’t that reason enough for us to get along? New poll says anti-semitism and islamophobia on the rise. Other interesting tidbits from the poll: Muslims are worried about Muslim extremism. We don’t like it either. Why don’t people understand that? The Muslims most worried about Islamic extremism are countries that are dealing with … Islamic extremism and a growing OBL fan club. Finally, look at the poll. Muslims don’t approve of suicide bombing. [Update]: The complete report can be found here.

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Eyes off the Prize

One thing I find very odd in this election is that national security is supposed to be the number one concern of the Republican Party. This is where their strength is. Since 2001 the greatest threat to the US is supposedly the invading Muslim hordes. While I may disagree with that position, I would at least hope that if the GOP sincerely believed that they would set themselves up to deal with that issue. Sarah Palin has no understanding of the world. NO, again, NO foreign policy understanding at all. We all see the emperor has no clothes. However, I…

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