Masjid Imam Husayn
Video from a recent Cairo trip. Remembrance of the martyred grandson of the Prophet, Imam Husayn.
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IIA – Public Policy Q&A
Q: History of Muslims in US two things weren’t mentioned. Internal history was mentioned, but not overseas history, i.e. Islamism. Local history as well, meaning context of action and reaction. A: Khan: Assumption that b/c we live in free society we can be more creative in our interpretation and export it back to Muslim majority countries. Jury is still out on this matter. Islamist movements have clearly been influencing debate here. ISNA started as front of Ikhwan, now it’s MAS. Authenticity is still tied to movements “back home,” even amongst reverts. Need to be comfortable in our Islamic identity. Cesari:…
Power and Trust (or lack thereof)
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