
Alltop Listed

We are now listed on muslim.alltop.com, part of the Alltop news aggregation service. Their mission is: We help you explore your passions by collecting stories from “all the top” sites on the web.… We import the stories of the top news websites and blogs for any given topic. So here’s our cool badge: The really cool part is that Alltop is founded by Guy Kawasaki. For a Mac-head, it’s really amazing. There are two people higher on the Mac pantheon, Steve himself, and Jonathan Ive. I don’t expect him to read the blog, but we got a shout on a…

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Obama Rumors

I’m glad to see someone with the profile of Mayor Michael Bloomberg is taking on the Obama rumors and doing so in an intelligent way. He mentions that saying Obama is a Muslim should not be considered a smear and it has no bearing on Israel, which is being used as a political football. I have a lot of respect for Mayor Bloomberg. This speech only increases it. Electorally, I’m curious, knowing that Jews break heavily Democratic during Presidential elections, would the smear campaign really cause them to vote Republican? Or is it just a way to suppress the vote?…

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