The ones who are in power apparently don’t have any.
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Read here. Obama
Torturing America
Via Juan Cole, it seems that we’ve been holding innocent people and torturing them for fun. CNN is reporting from a different source that torture is being carried out by us. I say “we” because we are all complicit in this act. As Americans we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard, and demand that our representatives hold themselves to an even higher standard than that. Everywhere we turn we see how deep the wrong-doing done in our name has spread. We deny the truth, just as our representatives do. Every time one of these people is flogged, our…
I went to Dawnsinger‘s site today. Followed one of his links to Radio Free Blogistan. For those of you who don’t know, most of the islamicate collective are Apple fans, and we’ve been considering voting Sam I Am off the island for not having an iPod. Anyway, on RFB, I saw this link about news aggregators. I use NetNewsWire Lite, and so looked at Pulp Fiction. On his blog he had a question, that I wanted to share with you. Question: How do you feel about the statement: “Any god that would condemn me for seeking the truth isn’t worth…