Happy New Year Fasting to everyone. I had bagels for sehri like a good New Yorker.
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5 thoughts on “Ramadan Karim and Shanah Tov”
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Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family, dear Brother 🙂
Ya Haqq!
Ramadan Mubarak to you and your family, dear Brother 🙂
Ya Haqq!
Ramadan mubarak to you and yours!
The Religious and Spiritual Leaders of the Abrahamic Faith
Subject: A Clarion Call to Establish the Religious Brotherhood on the light of Abrahamic Faith.
“The patriarch of all the believers of Allah (God), i.e. Jews, Christians, and Muslims is Prophet Ibrahim (Peace be upon him, Abraham, PBUH). He built the Kaaba in Makkah with his first-born son Ismael (Peace be upon him, PBUH). This was an order from Allah (SWT) that Ibrahim and Ismael (PBUT) construct this Holy House of Allah (SWT) as a place of worship for all the believers on earth. Ismael (Peace be upon him, PBUH) was 17 at the time he and his father built the Kaaba. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him, PBUH), a descendent of the Prophet Ismael (Peace be upon him, PBUH), would come nearly 2,500 years after Kaaba was built and reunify it as a holy place of worship according to the teachings of the Prophet Ibrahim (Peace be upon him, PBUH). As stated in the Torah and in the Holy Quran “all the generations will be blessed through Ibrahim (Peace be upon him, PBUH)” (Genesis 12 and 18 Holy Bible, Chp 2 Verses 123-141 Holy Quran).”
Dear Religious and Spiritual Leaders,
I wish to plead and make a fervent call to all my brothers/sisters across the world through the courtesy of this letter in carrying forward, upholding the message of Allah (God), His love for mankind, and ensuring lasting peace in a troubled world. The purpose of portraying my call upon all revered world leaders, politicians, and heads of states, policy makers, academicians, and civil society, spiritual and religious leaders is aimed at removing mistrust, misunderstandings the world is unnecessarily obsessed with, we have to liberate the world of undue tensions and wrangling.
My dear revered Brothers and Sisters, I have been working tirelessly for establishing peace for nearly twenty-five years. We are definitely running out of time. Everyday a large number of innocent lives are taking their toll for no fault of their own. This has to be arrested. The burning question is how this can be arrested? We can only achieve this by arriving at a common consensus and share our noble vision, thoughts, pooling our energy, resources, dialogs based on religious and spiritual concepts together on one common platform and thus thrust all our force in that direction without further wastage of time. Our Holy Books and Scriptures are the source of eternal light to erase all such misconceptions and misgivings. These sacred books as ordained by Allah (God) are irrevocable. It is enshrined and has come to us as an eternal source of strength, driving force sent through our Holy prophets at different times for the betterment of mankind. Unfortunately, we have not been able to use and exploit this to our advantage, as was the enlightened desire of Allah, through His Divine prophets. We are potentially still a force to reckon with on the driving seat to harness our good virtues for the peace of the world.
It is therefore imperative, I feel, that concerted effort needed to renew our honest will to establish the doctrines of Allah in this world, in thoughts, words and deeds, if not we are bound to perish and vanish from the good book of Allah. Politicians, policy and lawmakers and religious leaders of all faith, belief has to work in close conjunction in order to materialize our dream for a world of progress and prosperity. My thoughts go out for the oppressed and the depressed. It is true, many thought provoking, peace loving individuals, groups are working in reducing tension and conflicts, but unfortunately not much has been achieved. It is only through the doctrine of preaching love and respect for families under Allah (God) and the teachings of His innumerable prophets that were sent for the welfare of mankind at different times can bring about welfare, happiness of mankind.
Followers of the Abrahamic faith having one common ancestral root in fact preach love and peace, religious harmony, having sprung from one land. This indeed is a big boon and blessing that we can be proud of. It is time for reality and not rhetoric. It is through this vehicle that we can effectively mobilize our engine together by bringing the Abrahamic faith of all religious faiths together for establishing lasting peace. I have been running all over the world relentlessly making sincere effort to preach the ideology of Islamic Sufism as enunciated and preached by our Holy prophet Hazrat Mohammad (Peace be upon him, PBUH) who inherits the fundamentals of Hazrat Abraham (Peace be upon him) as are also firmly rooted in the common ideology of our Jews and Christian brothers.
I am convinced that we can march forward in our common goals and gospel without further delay, in fostering synchronization on the principles of our common glorious heritage. I would like to make a call upon all world leaders to from a consensus to ensure that this can be established. Unfortunately in recent years, Islam has been widely misunderstood and there lies one of the saddest tragedies of our contemporary world. We believe that our prophets who had all been sent and ordained by Allah were His peaceful messengers for the spread of fraternal brotherhood and live in peaceful coexistence.
Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty
Religious and Spiritual Leader.
International President,
Publication and Co-ordination Centre of Islamic
Ideology and Sufi-ism (PCCIIS International)
GP.PA. 106/2 South Badda, Gulshan,
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Tel: 88-02-8270475 Fax: 88-02-7286753
Website: http://www.chistypcciis.org
Summary of Biography of His Eminence Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty.
His Eminence Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty was born, March 19th 1953, in a respectable Muslim family at village Sindurpur, post-office Sompara, sub-district–Chatkhil, district– Noakhali, Bangladesh. His Eminence Ahmed Chisty is a Religious and Spiritual leader and Founder Chief, (International President) Publication and Co-ordination Centre of Islamic Ideology and Sufi-ism (PCCIIS International) and Darbar -E- Chishtia Complex.
PCCIIS International is just not an NGO but is deeply rooted to Islamic Sufi-ism, as overwhelming majority of Muslims practice spiritualism at heart and mind for the welfare of mankind. We can no longer remain in isolation. We need to unite and get started on one common platform in bringing about global unity in cohesion and unison.
Spiritual Life:
H.E Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty is the follower and ardent devotee of the holy saint Qutub-E-Rabbani Maahboob-E-Sobhani Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani (R.) popularly known as Bara Peer in Indo Pak Sub continent, Sultanul Hind Garib-E-Newaz Hazrat Khawja Mainuddin Chisty (R.), Hazrat Mujadded, Al-Fesani (R.) and Hazrat Shah Jalal (R.), who had taken actual steps for peaceful preaching of Islamic ideology and Sufi-ism, as enunciated by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him): “you are hereby requested to forget selfishness and difference opinion in Islamic ideology and to bring forth the virtues of humanity in human beings”. From his linkage and ancestral roots, the lineage of His Excellency can be evidently drawn from Hazrat Ibrahim (Abraham, Peace be upon him), PHUH.
The patriarch of all the believers of Allah (God), i.e. Jews, Christians, and Muslims is Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham, Peace be upon him, PBUH). He built the Kaaba in Makkah with his firstborn son Ismael (Peace be upon him, PBUH). This was an order from Allah (SWT) that Ibrahim and Ismael (Peace be upon him, PBUT) construct this Holy House of Allah (SWT) as a place of worship for all the believers on earth. Ismael (Peace be upon him, PBUH) was 17 at the time he and his father built the Kaaba. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), a descendent of the Prophet Ismael (Peace be upon him, PBUH), would come nearly 2,500 years after Kaaba was built to re-purify and reunify it as a holy place of worship, according to the teachings of the Prophet Ibrahim (Peace be upon him, PBUH). As stated in the Torah and in the Holy Quran “all the generations will be blessed through Ibrahim (Peace be upon him, PBUH)” (Genesis 12 and 18 Holy Bible, Chp 2 Verses 123-141 Holy Quran).
He is convinced that it is only in the unblemished love of Allah (God) as well as the love of our holy Prophets, can bring about total peace and salvation of mankind. In the light of that he has devoted his entire life in the service of mankind, traveling different parts of the world for establishing one-world, the World of Peace, Justice, Equality and Religious Brotherhood.
Status of PCCIIS International:
PCCIIS International is a United Nations affiliated international organization, having consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the UN, as well as holding Associate Status with the Department of Public Information (DPI) and UNICEF. The organization (Publication and Coordination Center of Islamic Ideology and Sufi-ism (PCCIIS International) was awarded associate Status with the Palestinian Rights Division of the UN for the cause of establishing peace in the Middle East in actively promoting and preaching the doctrines of Islamic ideology and Sufism, since 1995.
Area of philanthropic activities of H.E. Ahmed Chisty and PCCIIS International:
His Eminence Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty, had have taken active part in several UNGA sessions and played vital role on various international issues, including world peace and human rights. He is a regular participant at several international conferences of the UN and civil society.
While working with UN bodies and other international organizations, His Eminence Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty visited USA, Austria, Switzerland & other countries.
Founder Chief, PCCIIS International and Darbar- E-Chishtia Complex H.E Ahmed Chisty, irrespective of nationality and religious belief, is vocal against all sorts of human rights violation across the world. H.E. Chisty is a prominent leader in the international arena and working with various international bodies, including UN High Commission for Human Rights (UNHCR), contributing his resources, time and energy in the welfare of mankind worldwide. Moreover, he is also involved at home and abroad in implementing and upholding UN development programs covering the UN Decade for Human Rights Education, Poverty Alleviation, Drugs Crime Prevention, Child Abuse, campaign Against Women Trafficking, and Peace and Justice.
PCCIIS International Chief Mr. Chisty’ one of the major work includes, launching campaign for handing over management of the sites of the Holy Kaaba and Mosjid-e-Nabbabi, preferably to a global-body with a view to bring back peace and justice in the entire Islamic World. To this end, he made a remarkable deliberation at 57th session for the commission on Human Rights held in Geneva on April 21, 2001. At that meeting, he gave a clarion call towards the government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to hand over the management of the Muslims Holy sites of the Holy Kaaba and Mosjid-e-Nabbabi to a global-body comprising top spiritual-religious leaders predominantly from Muslim countries. Needless to say, this is a long pending issue and demand across the Islamic world. Addressing the session, H.E. Chisty, pointed that the Christian community across the world has already set an example through establishment of the Vatican-City under the care of a Pope, the top most religious and spiritual leader of the Christian Community, supported by all religious and spiritual leaders of the Christian world.
In that memorable speech, H.E. Ahmed Chisty citing some Quranic verses reiterated that kingship is not allowed in the Islamic concept and mandate. He raised these points, not only for establishing the inalienable rights of Islamic nation., but also for consolidating the unity of the world, irrespective of religious beliefs, inasmuch curbing violation of Quranic concept, which is being nurtured across the world, allegedly by the Saudi Government in the name of preaching Islam and its teachings.
His Eminence Chisty’s efforts for establishing world peace in the light of Sufi-ism:
H.E. Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty is constantly advocating proper and authentic preaching of Sufi-ism. This ‘school of thought’ can help immensely in bringing about the much desired world peace and communal harmony. It upholds the teachings of all the Sacred Texts including Tripitak of Lord Buddha, Taura of Hazrat Musa (Peace be upon him), Bible of Hazrat Issa (Peace be upon him) the Prophet of the largest religious Christian community of the present-day-world and Quran of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) the Prophet of the Muslim Community.
H.E. Chisty, in the light of Sufi Ideology, strongly believes that we can achieve the goal of World Peace by accommodating the teachings of all the holy books in our bosom and thereby would be able to understand that all the prophets came to this world to establish peace in the materialistic world, amidst political struggles and differences of opinion and other problems including poverty.
Nourishing the intention of establishing world-peace in mind, the Spiritual leader H.E Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty is relentlessly making sincere endeavor in making the world leaders understand that all political and spiritual leaders should work and sit together, to resolve the major issues and conflicts of the world, with a view to establishing LASTING PEACE in the world that would be remembered by the generations to come in the new millennium. With this objective in mind he is continuously involved in his global mission, calling and meeting world leaders aimed at bringing about peaceful solution of ongoing conflicts.
Feedback of His Eminence Chisty’s from World Leaders:
In the backdrop of the H.E Chisty’s effort for resolving global issues for the cause of peace and justice, renowned world personalities, heads of states and UN Secretary Generals have extended their appreciation and whole-hearted support. These include former UN Secretary Generals H.E. Butros Butros Ghali and H.E. Kofi Annan and current UN Secretary General H.E. Ban Ki Moon.
UN Secretary General H.E. Butros Boutros Ghali in his letter to him, on May12, 1995, conveyed his support for his valuable contribution in the field of Human Rights issues in the international arena. Mention ably, His Eminence Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty, while working for the UN Millennium Development Goal had drawn the attention of the H.E. Kofi Annan regarding UN’s activities and presented some invaluable suggestions, which subsequently was endorsed by the Secretary General himself. In his letter dated November 2006.H.E Kofi Annan conveyed his cordial thanks to His Eminence Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty for his support in promoting settlement of all conflicting issues across the world. The Secretary General also appreciated his unflinching support for UN Development Goal.
His Eminence Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty as a World Leader:
In brief, His Eminence Shah Sufi Saleh Uddin Ahmed Chisty as a World Leader promises to be one of the prospective personalities of the current world. H.E. Ahmed Chisty is amongst the few distinguished persons in the world, who is free from coterie interests of any kind. It is high time for the peace loving people of the world, irrespective of cast, creed and ethnicity background to sink all differences to utilize the vast potential of this noble saint, who is actively engaged with his peaceful mission in carrying forward the rich heritage, spiritual legacy of his illustrious forefathers, for the greater welfare of mankind.