On Ali

Prophet Muhammad said: Those whose master I am, for those too is their master Ali

Said Prophet Muhammad: I am the city of knowledge, and the gate is Ali

From the heavens above Uhud, came the booming voice of Gabriel:

“There is no sword but Dhulfiqar, and there is no hero but Ali.”

The radiant daughter of the beloved Prophet, our Fatimah

To whom could she be married if not the King of Men, Ali.

The Lion of God, tearing down the walls of Khaybar, at the time of need

Call out, O Prophet, for the remover of difficulties, call Ali.

If the father of Hasan and Husayn had not been born in the Kaaba

it would not have been purified, so blessed is the birth of Ali.

The family of the Prophet, there are five in his life, sat on the cloak

Muhammad, Fatimah, Hasanayn, and the giver of charity in prayer, Ali.

We have vested knowledge of everything in the manifest Imam

Be not afraid of the people, complete the message Prophet, name Ali.

Oh God, to whom may I give my hand in allegiance if not Ali?

The manifestation of marvels Ali is my Imam and I am the slave of Ali

The Prophet made clear that the station of Moses to Aaron was his place to Ali

Call with your tongue Ali, let your heart beat Ali, on my shroud write Ali.

4 thoughts on “On Ali

  1. Alhamdulillah, this beautiful and moving refrain fills the heart with love and reverence. Just wonderful.
    Ya Haqq!

  2. Alhamdulillah, this beautiful and moving refrain fills the heart with love and reverence. Just wonderful.
    Ya Haqq!

  3. Alhamdulillah, this beautiful and moving refrain fills the heart with love and reverence. Just wonderful.
    Ya Haqq!

  4. Alhamdulillah, this beautiful and moving refrain fills the heart with love and reverence. Just wonderful.
    Ya Haqq!

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