Intra-faith Women

More on Women and the Veil

This one is an interesting take on a non-Muslim woman who has to wear the veil in Saudi Arabia. I’m curious about somethings. Towards the end, she is on the sidewalk unattended by a male. Is that not a problem? She can’t be in the bank with her male escort, so she’s left unescorted outside? Also, isn’t the abaya supposed to be the thing that hides women? Are they be veiled and separated in a different room? I know all these things intellectually, but to read her story helps to highlight the contradictions. Technorati Tags: veil, Saudi Arabia, women in…

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Mahound Vicious

Moslems do punk! They listen to music. They are human. They participate in American culture. It’s true. I saw it here. In case you don’t catch it, the part I hate the most, in an otherwise decent article, is: Admittedly, these Muslim punks aren’t especially devout, at least in the tradition-al sense. None goes to Friday prayers regularly, but they all say they’re deeply spiritual. To them, Islam begins and ends with one’s personal relationship with God. After a recent show at a Manhattan bar, Waqar felt the urge to pray. “I went into the men’s room, got down on…

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Hiatus Interruptus

Working hard on finishing the dissertation, so I’ve gone deep underground. Will be back soon, and will try to throw up some interesting links in the meantime. Don’t know where the rest of the group is. I’m guessing asleep at the wheel.

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