Conferences Inter-faith Intra-faith Religion

PFBC – Pluralism [updated]

In anticipation of a panel I’m on on diversity, here are two quotes from Diana Eck on the topic. (Thanks to one of the other panelists, Emily Ronald, for finding and supplying them.) “What then, is pluralism? The word has been used so widely and freely as a virtual synonym for such terms as relativism, subjectivism, multiculturalism, and globalism that we need to stop for a moment and think clearly about what it does and does not mean. Pluralism is but one of several responses to diversity and to modernity. It is an interpretation of plurality, an evaluation of religious…

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Conferences Inter-faith Intra-faith Religion

MLT – Muslims and the Media

Amazing panel. Lots of interesting people, including NPR and Newsweek representatives. Short, pointed comments. Nothing too new, but well done. Chris Dickey Newsweek in the US history is a put down (you’re history), whereas in the rest of the world it is very much alive occupation has no meaning for Americans, never been occupied, don’t see themselves as occupiers Deborah NPR don’t have to worry about images Q: what are the equivalents to the angry Muslim? A: the adhaan Iraq was first time to talk about Sunni and Shi’ah Mustafa Australia French riots related to Cronulla riots…

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Conferences Inter-faith Intra-faith Religion

MLT – Construct Your Identity

Introductory exercise Purpose of exercise work together to understand a given problem to derive an actionable conclusion that translates into a solution Method Access Process Solution Activity rubbish Panel Riem identity is problematic, because we all have identities Baber complex issue that is conditioned by where we live Leyla identity is simple, we are human. we make it complicated Ilhamallah Italian convert. No issues of identity. Soumicha Lots of criticism from the panelists and the participants about the framing of this question and its relevance Technorati Tags: MLT

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Conferences Inter-faith Intra-faith Religion

MLT – Pluralism in Islam

Faiz Khan need to define terms or can’t have a conversation share points of view don’t walk on eggshells shari’a: etymology-path [to water]; often translated as law; more similar to dharma, why you conduct your life pluralism: acceptability/embrac e of more than one way or modality of expression or behavior pluralism as applied to doctrine: pluralism of world-view theocentric (taqwa) theoreductionist (only worried about God occasionally) theophobic (God not on the radar, but not atheism) inter-religious pluralism exclusivisim vs. pluralism (only we are saved) peaceful coexistence at the level of worldly operations convert them?/tolerate and pity them?/embrace and recognize their…

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Conferences Inter-faith Intra-faith Religion

MLT – Extremism and New Media, the Imam’s Circle

Sorry folks. I was on the extremism panel (not as an extremist) and I ditched the Imam’s Circle. For various reasons, I actually didn’t say much on the panel, but the main presenter, Aftab Malik, was quite good. I’ll develop some of the thoughts I had in a separate post. I didn’t attend the Imam’s Circle because I thought its composition reflected the tendency to construct, however inadvertently, a homogeneous face of Islam, particularly in its lack of Shi’ah representation. Technorati Tags: MLT

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