MLT Schedule

Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow Schedule:

Friday, 7 July 2006

  • Group Introduction [some very cool and exciting people here, and hopefully a site will go up with the list of attendees.]

Saturday, 8 July 2006

  • Special address by Susanne Clausen, Ministry of Integration of Denmark
  • A New Cordoba
  • Discuss the Unthinkable
  • Talent Bazaar
  • Knowledge Transfer
  • Extremism and New Media
  • The Artists Role
  • Imam’s Circle

Sunday, 9 July 2006

  • Pluralism in Islam
  • Construct Your Identity
  • Media and Islam
  • Integration in the West

Monday, 10 July 2006 [I won’t be blogging any of this as they booked my flight to leave before the sessions begin.]

  • Next Steps
  • Freedom of Expression
  • Cartoon Unveiling and Exhibition (Turkish Cartoonist Saleh Memecan)

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