Rachel does it again. I’ve been sitting on this post for too long. The Islamic tradition, according to Qur’anic injunction (17:78-79), is for three times prayer, dawn, just before sunset and just after sunset. And of course, many Muslims have seen the little prayer books for the pre-anything prayers, including going to the bathroom. Recently found one for a dua to say before having sex. Who says we’re a repressed people? Rachel’s post, and the obvious similarities to Muslim traditions, got me thinking about the meaning of ritual. The idea of using a symbolic language, in this instance ritual, is…
Xin chao, Minh den tu HL, minh mong muon duoc lam quen voi tat ca cac ban. Thanks in advance
Xin chao, Minh den tu HL, minh mong muon duoc lam quen voi tat ca cac ban. Thanks you
Olá a todos. Gostaria de contar com a vossa presença no II.º encontro nacional de bloggers a decorrer na Serra da Estrela no dia 22 de Abril. O prazo final das inscrições é no dia 15 de Abril. A todos os interessados em participar, devem ir ao blog http://oceanodepalavras.blogspot.com e lá verem o que é necessário fazer para efectuarem a vossa inscrição. Um abraço e bjinhos para todos. Conto connvosco