The Revealer asked about books on religion. The list, and conversation, is really interesting. Post more there and/or here.
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‘Alif the Unseen’ by G. Willow Wilson –
‘Alif the Unseen’ by G. Willow Wilson – Ms. Wilson fills “Alif the Unseen” with an array of observations about contemporary culture: new questions of theology (if a sin is committed in virtual reality, is it still a sin?); fantasy literature and, most conspicuously, Western culture. At one point the conversation turns to Lawrence Durrell and the Alexandria Quartet, the question being if the novels are Eastern or Western literature. “There is a very simple test,” Vikram says. “Is it about bored, tired people having sex?” Yes, he is told. “Then it’s Western,” Vikram decrees.
Muslims, Jews, and the Holocaust
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I recommend:
Three to Get Married
Simple Truths: Thinking Life Through
The Seven Last Words
Way to Happiness: An Inspiring Guide to Peace, Hope and Contentment
Victory over Vice
Peace of Soul
The Dumb Ox
The everlasting Man
to name a few