

Be forewarned, there’s a new institute of Muslim learning opening in London. It’s founded by a Muslim. It will teach about Islam. Hide your daughters (or reveal them, depending on what you think the primary threat is). Man the gates! Keep the barbarians out! My big question is who is going to hate this institute more, political conservatives, or conservative Muslims.

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Current Affairs Intra-faith Shi'ism

Weep not

What do you call someone who doesn’t follow the tradition of Prophet Muhammad? Who in fact does the opposite of the tradition of the Prophet? What do you call someone who relishes in the death of the Prophet’s family? Who celebrates the murder of the Prophet’s grandson by killing those who believe it to be a sorrowful event? Muslims (not most, all) would call him a murderer. To everyone else they are Muslims. We Muslims are more than a nationality, an ethnicity, a collection of people who speak the same language. We are those who have promised to submit ourselves…

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