Back to that issue again

A while ago Who You? posted a piece from the Toronto Globe and Mail questioning whether Ismailis were Muslim. Here is the response to Tarek Fatah, the author of the original piece. The basic response is the same as it was in the original article, the Ismailis aren’t Muslim because the majority of [unnamed] scholars hold that that they aren’t because of various [unnamed] beliefs and practices. Who are these scholars? What is their background? What is the basis of their argument?

Important point, the Ismailis were recognized as the Caliphs of the Muslim community by a large segment of the ummah in the 10th and 11th centuries when the Fatimid Empire held sway. The Abbassids may have launched the Black Legend, but it’s been so thoroughly discredited by scholarship of Muslim (Qadi Numan, Farhad Daftary) and non-Muslim (W. Ivanow, Michael Brett, Heinz Halm) authors it would sadden me greatly if any thinking Muslim still believed it. However, that’s why it’s important to know sources. Don’t forget Al-Azhar, the center of Sunni learning, is an Ismaili institution. Ignorance is one thing, ignorance that devalues the Islamic tradition and attempts to destroy it is unforgivable.

9 thoughts on “Back to that issue again

  1. “it would sadden me greatly if any thinking Muslim still believed it”
    Yo Yankee Boy,
    You should be in a full state of depression by now. First we have to qualify what you mean by “thinking” – unfortunately this will be a contested term. How do we define it? Who asserts it? How do we verify it?
    Second – my experience with most “thinking” Muslims has been that they view Ismailis as strange and not really Muslim or even non-Muslim. Even worse Ismailis that have left the tariqah – flat out say that Ismailis are non-Muslim.
    I know a couple of webisites that sell Prozac from Canada – if you are interested 🙂

  2. It is a sad state of Muslim intolerance and ignorance,when we give legitimacy to a few revisionists who would like to see nothing more than a totalitarian, non pluralistic and a singular monolithic Islam.Given the choice to all Muslims in what state would you prefer to live in, Taliban, Saudi or Canada the answer becomes obvious,As puritan Muslims we sure love the kafir state and life style,should I tell my young son he is not a Muslim and should stop wearing Nike or go clubbing.
    Well we all know who really needs prozac :-))

  3. i came to visit this site by accident. I would like to say that although this text of interview gives some information about the Ismaili faith. I still wanted to say afew words. My name is Khan and I am an Ismaili from Afghanistan. I have noticed that some people are confused about Ismailism and talk alot of nonsense. many of them are those who were once born in Ismaili families, but unfortunately due ot lack of attention and knowledge from their parents they had failed to recognise their faith. I would say its natural and as a matter of fact maybe …95% of the Umma do not know everything. this is due to problems of different kind. so as a sympathist i forward my e mail address to those who lack the knowledge about our religion and talk nonsense all their life.
    do not waste your lives barking at others, discipline your selves first!
    Remember one who has disciplined himself according to the Islam or i shall call it divine law is the most beloved to ALLAH. A fool or Jahil or i rather say an Intellectually blind person is hated and disliked by all. ALLAH ALMIGHTY sends his LANAT to FOOLS AND BLINDS.
    …Stop wasting your precious lives for nonsense and learn wisdom, open your eyes and find truths in life. We are humans. Do you have any idea what a human is??
    sincerely, khan

  4. well you certainly can go to hell too, you ignorant, single-minded dog of a man…
    i usually do not use this kind of language; alas, you – my simple-minded friend – are asking for it.

  5. i also find it funny, and a little ironic, navali, that you use the same website as your sources of information.
    it becomes quite obvious then, to us educated-type folks, that you are certainly not educated.
    why don’t you do a little real research before you espouse some backward mode of islam. and also, read the quran quite closely, and interpret it without the help of some backward madressa

  6. There is not the American Phd Name, nor the name of the interviewer.
    Please mail me the name of the renounced person, the name of interviewer, the date and place of the interview and also the E-mail address of the renounced person.
    Thank you for your cooperation

  7. There is not the American Phd Name, nor the name of the interviewer.
    Please mail me the name of the renounced person, the name of interviewer, the date and place of the interview and also the E-mail address of the renounced person.
    Thank you for your cooperation

  8. There is not the American Phd Name, nor the name of the interviewer.
    Please mail me the name of the renounced person, the name of interviewer, the date and place of the interview and also the E-mail address of the renounced person.
    Thank you for your cooperation. I mailed you and asked three times. But no one answered

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