Current Affairs

Where is Osama?

I was recently called to task, and rightly so, for not being specific about failed DOJ cases, and few come to mind: Yaser Hamdi (I seem to recall that a US citizen cannot be coerced by the gov’t into giving up his citizenship, and it strikes me that’s what happened here…. Detroit Sleeper Cell Brandon Mayfield (2, 3) James Yee (2) (Yes, I know this isn’t a DOJ case, but I’m working to establish a larger pattern in the gov’t in general) Terrorism Cases That Weren’t (but it doesn’t mean they weren’t guilty of something) Lackawanna Six (2, 3) Portland Seven José Padilla’s case is still pending, but I don’t know how much traction the gov’t will get with him.

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Current Affairs

And God Spake

Apparently I could not pray to have the Chowda-heads lose to the Blessed Yankees and pray to have a Chowda-head in the White House. So I’ve decided not pray against the Chowda-heads in the World Series, because I honestly don’t care (except I don’t know what Boston would do without the curse).

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