Odd coincidence
While searching out some information on the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), I discovered the Intersex Society of North America (ISNA). I wonder if they too are planning on holding joint meeting?
islam doesn't speak, muslims do | "the ink of the scholar is worth more than the blood of the martyr" – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
While searching out some information on the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), I discovered the Intersex Society of North America (ISNA). I wonder if they too are planning on holding joint meeting?
[updated for clarity] I have been thinking a bit lately about how people practice their faiths. One of the issues that keeps coming back to me is of one’s vision of God, which should be the defining part of any religious understanding in my opinion. I would categorize the understanding of God into two, not mutually exclusive, categories – the imminent and the transcendent. I personally consider God’s presence to be one of imminence, which in turn feed my God consciousness (taqwa), and that helps me to realize God’s transcendence. I understand there are people who feel humbled by God’s…