As an American who sometimes ruminates on the role of God in our society, I find the debate over the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools interesting. I can’t separate whether I’m okay with the pledge because it does not violate constitutional separation of church and state or because I believe that it is in fact God’s authority that really provides inalienable rights. If it’s the former, then I don’t really have a problem. However, if it’s the lattter and “one nation under God” is fine with me personally, then I shouldn’t be okay with it as a government supported directive. What I found most interesting about this NYTimes article is the way in which religious groups fall on both sides of the debate.
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Hello. My name is Shelly. I am an apartment manager in Houston, TX. I know that many of my residents celebrated Navroz Mubarak on March 21st. Is it an Islamic holiday? I would like to find a calendar of other holidays so we can celebrate them as a community. Any information you have would be helpful as I am unable to ask them about their religion due to fair housing restrictions. My e-mail address is