Two articles by Ted Swedenburg on Islam and Hip-Hop. One on the 5% and one on the international context. Man knows his stuff, and it helps mark a new face of Islam that’s growing world-wide, the Western Muslim. No more gharabzadegi for us, we sit (un)comfortably in all worlds.
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Have they really not made a difference?
Via Head Heeb, are three articles (1, 2, 3) about Asians in East Africa. The author uses the term “Kenyasians” to describe the community. Since my family is from Tanzania – Tanzazianz if you will – I know there are Muslims in the area. However, aside from mention of “Aslam,” Muslims really don’t show up in the piece and I’m surprised by that. Did we really not contribute anything? Note: Loyal readers will note that this article is slightly different than what I had originally posted. Somehow a new post displaced the original, including associating with the original story’s comments.…
Yâ Husayn
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This August 15th, Make Your Iftar Fight Domestic Violence
For women and children affected by domestic violence, sometimes Turning Point is their only resource. For years, we have offered services to the most vulnerable members of our community, providing counseling, guidance, and empowerment. This Ramadan, come to our Annual Fundraising Dinner to show your support for ending domestic violence and bringing hope to its victims.A delicious iftar (fast-breaking) dinner will be followed by a comedy show by Palestinian comic Maysoon, and a wonderful live performance by The Starts Youth Dabka Group. via