Shout Out – Weblog stats
Found a free web counter with great data analysis service. Have put the “beacon” on the page, and it should not affect page load times. All they ask is a shout out on the site. So here it is: RE_INVIGORATE
islam doesn't speak, muslims do | "the ink of the scholar is worth more than the blood of the martyr" – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Found a free web counter with great data analysis service. Have put the “beacon” on the page, and it should not affect page load times. All they ask is a shout out on the site. So here it is: RE_INVIGORATE
In 2002, the Insitute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World, Leiden, Netherlands, published a series of essays dealing with the issue of Islam and Modernity. The publication entitled "New Voices of Islam", edited by Farish Noor, is available for download in PDF format. It features the following essays: Muslims Must Realize That There Is Nothing Magical about the Concept of Human Rights Interview with Abdullahi An-Na’im The Responsibilities of the Muslim Intellectual in the 21 s t C e n t u r y Interview with Abdolkarim Soroush We Need New Intellectual Tools for the Age We…