Intra-faith Women

Child Marriage in Arabia

Brian’s comments are spot on. What is this reform of which you speak? After public outcry over the marriage of an 8-year-old to a 50-year-old, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Justice has vowed action: “The justice ministry aims to put an end to arbitrariness by parents and guardians in marrying off minor girls’, Justice Minister Mohammad Al Eisa told Al Watan newspaper, partially owned by members of the royal family… “The minister’s comments suggested the practice of marrying off young girls would not be abolished. The regulations will seek to ‘preserve the rights, fending off blights to end the negative aspects…

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What is Ramadan?

Here’s an interesting article from the Washington Post on a Saudi cleric who is trying to put the spirit back into Ramadan. Interesting and more representative than the wackos calling for the death of TV station owners. (h/t Sven over at The Devil’s Advocate)

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