Art Inter-faith

Bismillah Raven

I am always looking for interesting artwork, especially as it relates to Islam. Below is the Arabic phrase “bismillah,” “in the name of God,” done in a Native American style. Details from the artist are here, and an article about the piece can be found here (another take here). taken from here.

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Ismailis defend Salafis

An unlikely pairing: Tajikistan is banning Salafi groups because they may pose a threat. It’s the Ismailis who come out defending the Salafis. Of course, I’m wary of any reporting that talks of an Ismaili imam that is not the Aga Khan. An Ismaili imam, who did not wish to be identified, told Forum 18 that “Salafis do not constitute any threat for the country. It does not matter whether one is Sunni or Shiite, Ismaili or Salafi, we are all Muslims.”

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